It's Just a Sweet Sweet Fantasy Baby Navy Seal

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This is Non a safe read. I hated the H, Sawyer. Only everything most him, the style he thinks, acts, what he says and does. None of it worked for me.
Where to start . . . Sawyer is from a rich family, he has 2 brothers and shortly after his female parent died, his a-hole father marries his mistress, some ditzy bimbo who is merely a few years older than they are. His h is Remy, a girl from a large just loving family who'south loved Sawyer for forever. At beginning I idea this was going
1 ~Crap-tastic Hero~StarThis is NOT a safe read. I hated the H, Sawyer. Just everything about him, the way he thinks, acts, what he says and does. None of it worked for me.
Where to starting time . . . Sawyer is from a rich family, he has two brothers and before long later on his female parent died, his a-hole father marries his mistress, some ditzy bimbo who is just a few years older than they are. His h is Remy, a daughter from a big merely loving family who's loved Sawyer for forever. At first I thought this was going to be a second hazard romance between high school sweethearts. Nope, this is more like a x+ chances and-he-keeps-bravado-information technology romance. They dated in high school simply they were never really in a relationship. From Remy's flashbacks and thoughts, she was simply ever his user-friendly f*ck buddy. Remy was a chump. When Sawyer leaves to enlist, he sporadically comes to visit and e'er manages to get into Remy's pants. She knows that they aren't sectional (of course the H is a man with manly needs so he sleeps with anyone and everyone) merely she "loves" him and so she takes whatever scraps he throws her way.
The concluding time he visited was 4 years agone. Remy ends up pregnant with his baby. Because she knows he is off doing better and more than heady
So fast forward 4 years (with no contact between the H and h) Sawyer is back in town. Not considering he misses his family or considering he wants to settle downwards, and definitely NOT because he misses the h. He's dorsum for the elementary reason that his douche father is blackmailing him into staying to run the family ranch or he will sell it all.
At this point I thought, with a few twists, some groveling and some OTT sugariness moments this H might just be able to redeem himself. Nope, again I was horribly incorrect. After only existence back one day, he sees Remy at a bar where she works and immediately wants to pick upwardly where they left off. Obviously he doesn't think anything of the last four years of silence between them. When she turns him down he gets bent out of shape and for the life of him can't think why she would exist mad at him! While he tries to reconnect with Remy, Sawyer however receives and responds to sexting messages he gets from a 4-five of his other f*ck buddies that he has dorsum abode in the city. This includes nude pics, muddy texts and fifty-fifty a video clip he watches. All after meeting the h once more and trying to become in her pants. *gag*
It doesn't matter how many times authors try to convince me a manwhore of this proportion is hot/likable/lovable or has the capacity to remain faithful, I only don't buy it.
Sawyer was not redeemable in my optics and the style he reacts to finding out about it baby! Ugh! He actually thought one if not both of his brothers took his left overs and that the babe was one of theirs! When he finds out the truth he ends up furious with Remy for keeping him from his child. Which I get was messed up, but cutting her some freakin slack, his father threatened her and after trying to contact Sawyer with no response, she did the best she could. He never tried to get in impact with her so what was she to do?!?! I absolutely hated that every time there was an argument or a fight, his first response was that he didn't need her and always the thought that he should go find OW to slack himself on. *more gagging* And I'thousand supposed to believe this guy is genuine? That if push came to shove, he would stay exclusive with Remy? Again, non buying it.
This book straight up sucked for me. Not even the moments with his child made up for what a behemothic loser this guy was. Especially since Remy admits that she's never been with anyone but Sawyer. I hate when the h stays true-blue to the cheating H. It is non romantic or special, information technology's messed up and a mood killer.
Prophylactic: NOT safe. There is a iv twelvemonth separation where the h is left to intendance for their son while the H sleeps with countless women. We get no detailed scenes simply he does recollect about and makes mention of these other women. We even get to see ane towards the finish, at his warrior buddy's funeral. The fact that this same adult female was also his (married) dead friend's mistress was gross! It ends with a "supposed" HEA (union) and some other babe on the mode.
He'd left Remy in the dusty serenity of their shared by, and moved on to what she presumed were much more exciting things.
The father of her child was halfway across the world, serving in the military and not answering her messages.
I, she was pregnant. Two, she'd go along the babe, no matter what. Iii, people were going to talk. 4, her life was nigh to get very difficult. Five, she was goin
He'd left Remy in the dusty serenity of their shared by, and moved on to what she presumed were much more exciting things.
The father of her kid was halfway across the world, serving in the military and not answering her letters.
One, she was pregnant. Ii, she'd continue the baby, no matter what. Three, people were going to talk. Four, her life was about to get very difficult. Five, she was going to have to do this on her own.
If he was truthful with himself, he'd always just sort of vaguely planned to stay the hell out of Louisiana.
His phone buzzed, and when he checked it he saw a text from Amy, a sex-crazed management consultant dorsum in D.C.
His phone buzzed. He didn't even have to look at information technology to know information technology was Amy, again.
Props to Amy, for being a magnificent lay, just he wasn't really in the mood to chat.
This time, Amy had sent a photograph of her tits, while she reclined in bed. Nice, simply it wasn't the moment for that kind of thing.
Equally far as Sawyer knew, his father was now living in one of those big white plantation houses in Catahoula, happy every bit a clam with his mistress of xx odd years.
He opened the door for Marilee Carter, the buxom, over-the-top bottle blonde he'd introduced to his sons but three months afterward the death of their female parent. Marilee
If she wasn't married, what was the problem with him dropping in on Remy River?
Another message from Amy, who'd gone from sexting to threatening. Y'all think you can ignore me???
Checking his messages once again, he perused the names. Eliza. Mary. Merissa… "Oh, Merissa," Sawyer said, opening the text. She'd also sent nudes, much more explicit than Amy'due south paltry offering. "Damn, daughter."
She was hot as hell, but Sawyer was too tired to mess with her tonight.
Until the final fourth dimension, when he disappeared for near four years.
"I want things to be like they were," he said. "Oh, yep? How were things, earlier?" she challenged.
"I'yard not hung upward on Remy," he insisted. "There are other fish in the sea."
"Checking on your D.C. hos?" Filly asked. Sawyer slid him a smirk. "Maybe. You lot feeling jealous, brother?" "Naw, I just wish I was getting video chats like the i I overheard late concluding nighttime," Colt said. Sawyer snickered. Busted. "Oh, yous heard that, huh?"
"Some smoky-voiced chick telling you all the ways she's gonna suck your dick when you lot go back? Yeah, possibly close your windows next fourth dimension you want to accept some individual time," Colt said.
"I'm not talking virtually your work ethic, Sawyer. I'm talking most the way yous are with women. How many other girls are you running around with these days, huh?" Sawyer gave her a look. "None, right this moment."
"I don't have a girlfriend." "Then, you're actually worse than before. You lot can't even proceed a girlfriend at present?" she demanded to know. "Why the hell would I desire to do that?" he spat, then pulled a face as if already regretting his words.
"Yeah, I bet you've proven that time and once more with countless other girls over the years," she snarled. "I'1000 non your plaything, Sawyer. Notice someone else's head to mess with."
Sawyer took advantage of the lull to render a few emails on his phone, then text back Merissa and Stacy, complimenting the dirty videos they'd sent him days before. If he was a little tedious to respond, neither girl seemed to mind.
Merissa had the nicest pair of fake tits that money could buy.
Stacy, at least, was blonde…
He'd been with her a handful of times in high schoolhouse and a handful of times since then, but equally far as Sawyer knew he was her 1 and only. At least, that was how he liked to think of it.
He'd had other women, some amazingly limber, or some who fucked like cheap porn stars…
An hour into their associate, Sawyer had a beautiful piffling redhead half on his lap, and when she started groping him under the tabular array…
Am I that kind of dick? he wondered to himself. The kind of guy who merely wants what he can't have? After all, I didn't exactly rush home to see her when I left the service…
The young redhead that Sawyer'd met at the bar the other night approached, this fourth dimension wearing depression-slung jeans and a pink wife-beater. "Oh, hey," she said to Sawyer. "Simply idea I'd come up say hullo." Sawyer could experience the anger in Remy's gaze. "It's not what you think." "Doesn't matter."
He was also flat-out avoiding Merissa and Stacey's texts and calls.
He was going to give her that altitude, pursue other hobbies. Other women, even.
"Please hear me out. Your father threatened me, said if I didn't get rid of the infant, he'd come after me. He said if I involved you in whatsoever way, he'd ruin my life."
A few missed calls from Merissa, two from Remy. Three from a number with a 202 area code. Washington D.C. Could be annihilation, simply…
"Merissa," she said, extending an elegant mitt. "His girlfriend."
"Was she lying when she said that you texted her concluding night when nosotros got into town?"
"Is she your girlfriend?" "No." "Were you 2 together?" His gaze narrowed. "Yeah."
"No, you know what? This was my fault. I thought we'd both grown up, that there was a chance for us to notice a path forward, together. Only…" she said, shaking her head. "I remember I was just looking for a fairytale where one cannot exist."
"Yeah," Sawyer said. "I know yous were Darren's mistress, Merissa. I'm non stupid."

The tropes that make upward the bones of the read, are ones I dearest, but the way in which the story and characters were developed just didn't work for me, I didn't despise the read but I didn't like information technology either.
The hero - Sawyer, is an human being-whore and actually lacks the characteristics that brand a succulent or even enjoyable hero. The scene with Merissa and Sawyer, taking place when Sawyer goes to his friend'south funeral was meaningless and inconsistent.
Very slow paced and lacking the; en
This was such a dud!The tropes that make up the bones of the read, are ones I dear, just the way in which the story and characters were adult just didn't work for me, I didn't despise the read but I didn't like it either.
The hero - Sawyer, is an man-whore and really lacks the characteristics that make a delicious or even enjoyable hero. The scene with Merissa and Sawyer, taking place when Sawyer goes to his friend's funeral was meaningless and inconsistent.
Very slow paced and lacking the; free energy, emotion and heat I was hoping for.
(view spoiler)[No Cheating, but quite platitude and whilst that can work it didn't here. (hide spoiler)]
Freebie on Amazon 1st Dec 2019.
At first glance this had all the makings of an angsty train wreck, merely the execution was not good. Based on some of the reviews; I was expecting this to exist really "prophylactic" bad, but it wasn't IMO. At that place's no adulterous, no scenes with OW, he's alluded to being a man-whore, because he receives texts and naked pics from a couple OW he'due south hooked upward with in the last year… which was and then stupid… merely he never replies. He has a couple internal thoughts nigh one'south boobs (possibly they *warning* I'm feeling ranty
At first glance this had all the makings of an angsty railroad train wreck, only the execution was non skilful. Based on some of the reviews; I was expecting this to be actually "safety" bad, merely it wasn't IMO. There'south no cheating, no scenes with OW, he's alluded to beingness a human-whore, because he receives texts and naked pics from a couple OW he's hooked upwardly with in the last year… which was so stupid… but he never replies. He has a couple internal thoughts almost one's boobs (maybe they're great 🤷🏼♀️) and another beingness good in the sack. (become-girl) All this happens before the couple reunites, and I felt like information technology all seemed OTT unlikely, and pretty immature, so it didn't problems me. Honestly, to me it felt "staged" like information technology was but plunked in to make some waves, merely nothing happens, or comes from it. He doesn't roll into boondocks, and start chasing skirts…IMO it was fluff to go a rise out of readers.
The MC'south were HS sweethearts that broke up when he enlisted in the Navy. Over the years (6- I believe) they hooked upwardly from time to time; the last time was 4 years ago, and she became pregnant. This didn't anger me; they weren't in a relationship; they weren't dating. They're both consenting adults if they want to hook up for sex simply… who cares?? Not me😊 I'yard going to spoiler tag the rest, considering I tin't do this w/out.…(view spoiler)[ The couple has had naught contact since the hook up four years earlier, where Remy snuck out earlier he woke up. We find out after that they both sent letters, just neither received them. Both simply assumed the other was blowing them off. Sawyer returns to boondocks, and doesn't understand why Remy hates him… apathetic blah blah. My problems had cypher to do with the content, but I had several of them. 1. This book had then many inconsistencies that it made my head hurt. Here's a few examples. ** At the beginning of the book, it says that Sawyer has barely been dwelling in four years considering of his SEAL missions. I was thinking, how did he fit all this man-whoring in. Later, it says he was discharged a year ago, and lives in DC, but spends most of his fourth dimension overseas working for the Greystone Group. Once again, when is he dating all these girls? ii. The "conflicts" made absolutely nix sense. They're illogical, and stupid. Here're a few examples. ** How did the Colonel intercept all the mail? Does he have a contact at the post office?
** Shiloh, the 3-twelvemonth-old, interchanges from crawling, squawking, and being spoon fed. To running around and talking.
** In the beginning Remy's dialogue states, she kept the news near Shiloh from Sawyer, because he abandoned her. Later, afterward she learns that he wrote her 30 letters, her dialogue switches to non telling him because she's scared of the Colonel. Then later, she'due south not telling him, because she's scared, he'll "take over her whole life".
** The Colonel is such a pushover with his young fiancée that he lets her throw out all their mom'southward things, redecorate, then insist on moving to the metropolis. Afterwards, he treats her like absolute shit, barking and demeaning her. Also, she's his fiancée at the start of the volume, and his mistress at the end.
** Remy won't tell Sawyer he has a kid, but she doesn't take care of the kid either. He's Always with the Grandma, and the Thou-ma is his most favorite person in the world. She says she hardly lets him go out the business firm, because that'south healthy. Seriously, the child is never around.
** One minute OW Merissa is meddling and being a bowwow, attending her lover's funeral. Then poof! She's all love is precious, and telling Sawyer to become go his girl. Huh? She had a complete personality upgrade in like four pages. (the added tidbit that both friends were sleeping westward/ her was ick, and unrealistic, and confusing)
** The Colonel's "threat" was then OTT stupid that I pictured him twisting his mustache while he talked to her. Seriously, how would he take her kid abroad? She's the mom, and how's he going to ruin her? And you better cash this check or else. Ridiculous!! Same goes for her not telling Sawyer about the child. How's he going to "take over her life" or accept abroad her kid? Once again, I found it OTT stupid, that she's kissing and having sex with him, but won't tell him he has a son. Then when she finally tells him she literally calls him and says "Your sons in the hospital" where he just says "ok, on my way"… What??? Like he wouldn't say, "dude, nosotros've been sleeping together for weeks, what kid?"
** How is it that the Colonel is the only person in the town smart enough to realize that the kid (that looks exactly like Sawyer) and was built-in nine months after his visit, is Sawyer's? The caption from his brothers for not telling him was equally stupid as Remy's. They both idea Shiloh was the other blood brother's child (confusing right) and was protecting Sawyer ??!! Once more then stupid. To interruption information technology downwardly we have Sawyer (1) Brother(2) and Brother (3)… B2 assumed Shiloh belonged to B3, and B3 thought Shiloh belonged to B2. It's a stretch that they forgot Sawyer visited, just still neither said "WTF brother (_) how did you sleep with Remy, and why are you lot ignoring your child?" They were still the uncles, and so they just pretended he didn't exist.
** Why was the Colonel at the proposal?

Unfortunately I wasn't digging this book to much. For me the starting time was way to slow with too many details and a lot of waiting. Then finally towards the stop it finally picked up then everything kind of happens at once. I felt like a lot of details were missing and left me with some confusing. She was 28 he was thirty. But information technology was mentioned later she was in kindergarten and he 4th grade when they first met. Just felt like details were missing or weren't calculation upwards. Information technology as well felt like both blood brother
EehhUnfortunately I wasn't digging this volume to much. For me the beginning was style to tiresome with too many details and a lot of waiting. Then finally towards the end information technology finally picked up then everything kind of happens at once. I felt like a lot of details were missing and left me with some disruptive. She was 28 he was 30. Just it was mentioned afterwards she was in kindergarten and he 4th grade when they first met. Merely felt like details were missing or weren't adding upwards. It likewise felt like both brothers should have books. They were both and so frequent in the book and had hints dropped here and there about their life's that you never really discover out answers. Filly and his leg. And Walker and his past human relationship. And more recent Walker and Shelby. Simply felt incomplete. I as well felt like the characters had no chemistry. They were "loftier school sweethearts and prom kind/queen" but once they met up again information technology was like they just met or barely knew each other. Cipher indicating that they were in love for (years?) And grew upwards together but goose egg about their past was mentioned. I don't know. Simply kind of lacking for me. The only matter I liked was the ending. Information technology was sugariness and happy.

Sawyer knows she is keeping secrets from him. His brothers will non tell him anything either. His manipulative male parent is pulling more strings than he imagined. He has all three of his sons home working on the subcontract. Remy's father and brother warn him to stay away from here and none of it makes sense.
I love second chance romances and S
Ex-SEAL Sawyer Roman returns to his hometown, Catahoula, Louisiana with his two brothers. He ties to talk to his girl from home only Remy River volition not talk to him.Sawyer knows she is keeping secrets from him. His brothers will not tell him anything either. His manipulative father is pulling more strings than he imagined. He has all three of his sons home working on the farm. Remy's father and brother warn him to stay abroad from here and none of it makes sense.
I love 2nd chance romances and SEAL'southward Bride is a very skilful ane with a secret son too.

It was not at all a great read -sadly- but information technology was good enough.
I think that all the characters in this were incredibly stupid and utterly frustrating, only the writing itself wasn't bad and fabricated it very easy to merely keep on flipping the pages even though i was rolling my eyes on what and how it was happening.
I do accept to say i similar the thought -navy seal coming back dwelling house to assist his family unit with their business, running into his ch
I wanted something fast and easy to read and this was defiantly that.It was non at all a cracking read -sadly- merely information technology was good enough.
I think that all the characters in this were incredibly stupid and utterly frustrating, but the writing itself wasn't bad and made it very easy to just proceed on flipping the pages even though i was rolling my optics on what and how it was happening.
I do have to say i like the idea -navy seal coming back home to help his family with their concern, running into his childhood sweetheart again.
Its cute, its fun and if done correct can certainly be a fantastic read.
Sadly the author did try to brand it a bit likewise dramatic, tried to stretch the story out while keeping the "big secret" to plainly secret fifty-fifty if i never even understood why it needed be kept a clandestine to begin with especially with how it was existence "Kept" (it wasn't! People kept talking almost it, so what?!)
I did not similar how the "secret" than was reviled, that was but the easiest way out, the stupidest reaction and not at all how i call up bodily people would or fifty-fifty should react to that blazon of situation. So that was not at all skillful.
i also thought the the ending was extremely rushed, and overly Disney with its happily e'er after -lets ignore everything that was a huge deal throughout the entire volume and all the issues that kept getting heated back up over and over once again and terminate it on a happy note kind of ending.
Which i am personally non the biggest fan of. I hateful give me that kind of ending over the stupidly open up cliffhanger where nothing gets solved at all and aught makes sense at all any day!
BUT i still think that in this volume it could accept been washed differently, and with more solutions for the problems that where constantly made throughout the book.
I also take to say that i establish it very foreign of the male parent of the male person atomic number 82 was only brought into the story to brand things dramatic and otherwise completely ignore his existent completely. Which made NO sense to me at all. Why add a character only to take him pop up when something stupid needs a reason that could have been left out completely anyways?
All that sounded as if its a horrible book.
Its really not.
Its okay.
But information technology could take been a lot improve and while you read this, you lot find a lot of those moments and sadly those stand out a lot more than the things that are done adept.
Still if you lot want something fast and easy (to read and to forget afterwards) this is a good selection. Just don't expect something great or in anyway unique or realistic.
Fast forwards several years and Sawyer is now an EX-SEAL, living in DC . He goes thru women like h2o. He is suffering from PTSD , and he is sick of the lines of women in his life. His father tells him to come home and he decides to go habitation to see what he wants. When he gets there, his dad tells them they –he and his brothers Walker and Filly have 30 days to stay and work on the family ranch or he , his father, volition sell information technology. While there, Sawyer goes to see Remy, the fist time she sees him, she slams the door in his face. That leads Walker to question his feelings for Remy . And so Remy says something that leaves him with more questions about what is going on betwixt them. Remy has and then many issues about him and Sawyer doesn't understand why. His brothers seem to know what is going on but wont share the inside secret which makes Sawyer even angrier. Sawyer comes up with a plan to get closer to Remy to find out what is going on with her but is she is ever going to permit him close to her again AND what will happen when Sawyer finds out the secret that has been hidden from him? Will they be able work things out and volition they get their HEA or will the undercover that has been hidden exist the straw that breaks them for good.
I actually enjoyed this story because the MC truly did love each other but Sawyer didn't know how to keep them together so he thought he did the correct thing merely didn't communicate correctly. He was an alpha male person who definitely didn't know how to communicate correctly. I loved Remy—she was a good mama who put her son commencement. She was sassy and sugariness. She was so aroused and injure at Sawyer and his leaving of her. This is a terrific 2nd run a risk romance with a lot of heat and chemistry. I actually enjoyed how they overcome a lot of obstacles to find their mode dorsum to each other.
My rating: four.6 stars ****
**I was given an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review***

Sawyer Roman is an ex-Seal just like h
Vivian Wood is an excellent author/author and I love her work. I loved how she took an idea and made it into an AWESOME book. I loved the story-line and the how the characters all worked to make a wonderful story. You lot have love, betrayal, hunky Navy Seals, and a piece of crap dad. Oh and I can't forget the sex that will make even your toes curl. This is a book that y'all do not want to miss. This book is recommended for mature readers 18 years of age or older.Sawyer Roman is an ex-Seal just like his two brothers, Colt and Walker . He has traveled all over the world and he lives for sexual practice and fighting. He has left his chore in DC to come up home to Catahoula, Louisiana because of a mysterious phone phone call from his brother Filly. Subsequently a good reunion with his two brothers, his father and his fiancee show up. His male parent gives him and his two blood brother's an ultimatum and they have to decide in one month if they want to run the ranch and it has to be all three or information technology will be auctioned off. Afterwards trying to decide what they desire to practice they know that they will nevertheless need the right to utilise the water on the River's land. Sawyer says he will get talk to Mr. River and is secretly hoping to run in to Remy. Sawyer is wondering why his brothers keep changing the subject when he asks about Remy River and just shrugs it off. Then when she slams the door in his face, he concludes that maybe she hasn't forgiven him for leaving her.
Remy River has been crazy about Sawyer Roman since forever. I crazy night together before he leaves for the Navy, results in a pregnancy that Remy had to deal with alone. Not just did she have to suffer the harshness of Sawyer's dad, merely she had to suffer the gossip of the town because of the out of wedlock pregnancy. Information technology had been 4 years since the final time she saw him and she had his infant and he doesn't know. She is scared to tell Sawyer about Shiloh for fear of him being taken away from her because of Roman'due south slice of crap dad. Only problem is he nonetheless wants her, and she is having a hard fourth dimension staying away from him and keeping his son from him. She is actually starting to experience guilty nearly keeping Shiloh from him. Then an emergency arises and she has to tell Sawyer nearly Shiloh and that he is his son. Will Sawyer be able to forgive his brothers for not telling him well-nigh Remy and Shiloh? Will Sawyer be able to forgive Remy and get-go over? Or will it all come to an stop?
No Spoilers. ARC free book given in exchange for an honest review.
This book /story did non work for me. I had some major bug with it, nevertheless the writing I could not fault. Remy and Sawyer take had an off /on relations ship for well-nigh of their lives. Sawyer comes from a wealthy family only his father has never been much of a father to him and his 3 brothers. When his female parent died, his father introduced them all to his mistress within iii months of her death. The brothers all joined the navy. Each should have Seal'southward Bride (Small Town Seal Volume ane) by Vivian Wood
This book /story did not piece of work for me. I had some major issues with it, however the writing I could not error. Remy and Sawyer have had an off /on relations send for near of their lives. Sawyer comes from a wealthy family but his father has never been much of a begetter to him and his iii brothers. When his mother died, his father introduced them all to his mistress within three months of her death. The brothers all joined the navy. Each should have their own story. However, one things leads to another and they are all summoned home to discuss the hereafter of the farm. Sawyer's two brothers seem to be keeping a surreptitious from him. Remy has always been in love with Sawyer, merely he chose the navy over her. Four years ago he came home for a break and rekindled a night of passion with the end result of leaving Remy pregnant. With no advice from him, she has the baby and never tells him. When he comes back to town, he has the attitude that he can just option up where things left off with Remy. What he encounters is her hostile family and Remy not wanting anything to exercise with him. At no stage in this book, did I go the feeling that Sawyer was in love with Remy. He was a male whore who continued to mention and entertain other women from DC. His choices of women were also questionable. He is hell bent on finding out what he did incorrect and slowly starts to break Remy walls downward. When the secrets are revealed, he handled them terribly. Not only that, he never questioned what happened to his letter of the alphabet, nor the role his father played in the mode his life went with Remy. Or his brothers knowing the secret and non telling him. There were just too many things that were not tied upwardly. Also at the stop, he went from asshole non in dear to asshole in beloved with moments. It but did non piece of work and I really did not experience the characters connection. So for me, this 1 was not great, there were only also many loose ends that did not necktie up. And I needed the a...hole Sawyer to be redeemable and he was non.
Hot books and Sassy Girls

Sawyer He was an OK hero I gauge. Only for supposedly existence in dear with Remy he really didn't bear witness he. He'd been dorsum for a twelvemonth and nix. Didn't call didn't write. Instead he was screwing every girl he could. So he comes dorsum to his ho
Secret babe/2nd adventure romances are one of my favorite type of book to read... usually. But this one isn't really cutting information technology. The romance wasn't really there, the ending seemed rushed and fake, and it was overall pretty slow and left some things open.Sawyer He was an OK hero I guess. But for supposedly being in love with Remy he really didn't evidence he. He'd been back for a twelvemonth and nada. Didn't call didn't write. Instead he was screwing every girl he could. Then he comes dorsum to his hometow and BAM! He suddenly loves Remy and she is the ane for him. Yeah.... if only he realized that four years before. Only I gotta admit he was really good with his sone after he had time to retrieve about it.
Remy Idk. From how she acted I would have thought she was a threescore year old hermit not a 28 year one-time. Yeah she was criticized and judged for having a kid only and so what? She's simply gonna end living her life and keep her son out of sight? I didn't similar how she treated him. Like she was ashamed of him. He should have been playing with kids his own age non existence stuck in the house all the time.
Plot There was nothing really important going on until the concluding 100 pages. Literally information technology was all almost Colt, Walker, and Sawyer fixing up the ranch or Remy and her family working around the farm or watching Shiloh. Boor-ing. And the romance 🙄 in that location was no chemistry information technology all felt forced and mode to rushed. Like practise they actually accept to get married? Sawyer was literally sleeping with other women.
Unfortunately, this storyline has been washed so many times that you know what is going to happen. Proverb that it is still an enjoyable well written read.
What a piece of work Sawyer, Filly and Walker'due south father was, sad, accept to call him The Colonel from now on as he was not a father in any sense of the word.
I liked Remy and thought she had washed a good job in difficult circumstances with great support from her family.
I found the catastrophe a bit anti climatic b This story is exactly what it says it is.
Unfortunately, this storyline has been done so many times that you know what is going to happen. Maxim that it is still an enjoyable well written read.
What a piece of work Sawyer, Filly and Walker's father was, sorry, accept to call him The Colonel from now on equally he was not a father in whatever sense of the give-and-take.
I liked Remy and thought she had done a good task in hard circumstances with great back up from her family.
I found the ending a bit anti climatic because it all seemed to rush from the drama of Marissa, the haul call girlfriend to a proposal to Remy and I did not sympathise how she accepted his proposal without fifty-fifty talking things out. There was no discussion asking him about what happened with Marissa subsequently Remy left, she did not know if he stayed with Marissa afterwards texting her and seeing her at the funeral. We know he didn't but Remy didn't.
Why was The Colonel at the cake of land to see Sawyer propose, everyone hates him and nothing was said virtually him trying to purchase off Remy to become rid of the baby. Shiloh would not exist if the Colonel had his manner.
Hope both Filly and Walker become their own HEA's.
This is my honest review for this volume.

Remy and Sawyer were high schoolhouse sweethearts, being the prom king and queen. He was her offset but then he left to bring together the navy leaving her backside. He was the dear
I read this book through Kindle Unlimited. The writing was very proficient and I loved the story. My only problem was that it says Remy is 28 and Sawyer virtually 30 but it is mentioned he was in fourth grade when she was in kindergarten. It as well made little sense that his letters to her were sent through his father rather than to her mailbox.Remy and Sawyer were high school sweethearts, existence the prom king and queen. He was her beginning but then he left to bring together the navy leaving her behind. He was the love of her life. He became a Navy Seal and they wrote to each other a little and he came back to visit. After being gone for eight years when he is back she becomes significant. When he leaves this time his father interferes and their communication is cutting off with out them knowing. He also threatens her with ruining her family if she tells him about the baby. Four years pass before he comes home again and he doesn't sympathise her hostility towards him. She button's abroad all of his advances just after a few weeks Shiloh gets real sick and she finally tells him he has a son. He is pretty upset simply comes to terms with everything. The volume ends on their wedding solar day and the news they are expecting once again.
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